Coal Ministry Undertakes Varied Activities Under Special Campaign 2.0
Ministry of Coal

Posted On:
20 OCT 2022 5:07PM by PIB Delhi
The Ministry of Coal is undertaking Special Campaign 2.0 this year from 2nd to 31st October 2022. During this campaign, special attention is being given to field/outstation offices in addition to the Ministries/Departments for monitoring and implementation of the campaign.
The Special Campaign is organized in two phases:
- Preparatory Phase from 14th September, 2022 to 30th September, 2022 and
- Implementation phase from 2nd October, 2022 to 31st October 2022.
Ministry of Coal has identified 340 sites across the country in various Coalfield Areas for special cleanliness drives. A large amount of scrap has also been identified for disposal during this Campaign.
Coal field Offices of Ministry of Coal are getting aesthetic face-lifts in SpecialCampaign2.0.
The space freed up from scrap & waste disposal is being used for various purposes like Parking space, office sitting arrangements, storage, plantations, wider passages etc.
Two sites of Central Coalfields Ltd. (CCL) (B&K and Kathara Area ) were filmed by DD News on 13.10.2022, and CCL headquarters’ office, Ranchi was filmed on 14.10.2022.
As part of the celebrations of SpecialCampaign2.0 under SwachhBharatAbhiyan, a garden was developed by Team CCL at a guest house in the B&K area from scrap,disposed items, tyres, pipes, cart etc. The unique initiative was appreciated as a step towards waste management.
This initiative was a pilot to be scaled up at the proposed Eco-park and other parks Coal companies. It can be considered as an effort to contribute to sustainable development of mines and is one of the best examples of 3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) Concept which is a consequence of steps on how to manage waste property.This initiative was reported as one of the Best Practices in MOC towards Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.