Welfare Scheme For War Widows
Ministry of Defence

Posted On:
01 APR 2022 3:10PM by PIB Delhi
Ministry of defence time to time reviews the various welfare measures presently extended to war widows/families in Armed Forces.
The following changes have been made in the existing welfare schemes administered by Kendriya Sainik Board:-
- The scheme of ‘Financial Assistance to 100% Disabled children of Ex-Servicemen (ESM)/widows’ was applicable only upto the rank of Havildar (or equivalent of Navy and Air force) and below. The same is being extended upto the Rank of Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs) ESMs/widows (and their equivalent of Navy and Air force). Additionally the earlier grant of Rs 1000/- per month has now been increased to Rs 3000/- per month.
The Service Headquarters also make suitable changes in their schemes with an aim to provide best possible support to the families of deceased soldiers / War Widows. The Indian Air Force (IAF) has made the following changes in the selection process for officers in the IAF:
- The ceiling for eligibility for widows of deceased defence personnel has been raised to a maximum of 35 years of age at the time of entry at pre-commissioning training institute(s), except for the flying branch for which Service Head Quarters shall specify the age limit as per service requirements.
- Widows with children be accepted.
The compassionate appointments are being made by concerned Service Headquarters of Army, Navy and Air Force to widows / families of defence personnel.
The following number of Compassionate Appointments have been given to widows/families of defence personnel:
Air Force : 30 (since 2016)
Navy : 35 (since 2014)
Army : The requisite details are not readily available as
compassionate appointment are made by concerned Line Directorates.
This information was given by Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Ajay Bhatt in a written reply to Dr TR Paarivendhar in Lok Sabha on April 01, 2022.