VIPS-1st National Cyber Law PIL Drafting Competition
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies — Technical Campus (hereinafter “VIPS — TC”) is affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi and was established in the year 2000 with the vision to promote excellence in education and for imparting quality professional education comparable with the best in the world. In this pursuit, VIPS provides innovative pedagogies to encapsulate the prescribed curriculum along with consistency, thereby focusing on the holistic growth of every student at VIPS.
VIPS CECL in collaboration with Advocates’ Legion, VSLLS, VIPS and Pro Bono Club, VSLLS, VIPS is conducting the 1st edition of National Cyber Law PIL Drafting Competition, 2022 which is scheduled to be held online on November 25th, 2022 under the guidance of Dr. S.C. Vats, Chairman, VIPS, along with Prof.(Dr.) T.V. Subba Rao, Chairperson, Vslls, Vses.
The purpose of this competition is to spread legal awareness amongst the participants and develop the skills of drafting in them.
Registration Process:
~The participating teams can register themselves by filling the following Registration Form:
~After successful registration, each participant/ team shall be allotted a team code for further references.
~There shall be no registration fees chargeable from the participants, as the event is being organised on a pro-bono basis.
Important Dates:
~Last day to register for the competition is 15th November, 2022.
~Last date to submit the PIL Drafts is 15th November, 2022.
~Results announcement and Valedictory Ceremony will be held virtually on Zoom on 25th November 2022.
For further details relating to the rules of the competition as well as the requisite guidelines, you may refer to the brochure.
For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the undersigned or send the queries at
Student Coordinator:
Vinayak Uniyal (7535979021)