International Affairs

States Must Recommit to World Free of Nuclear Weapons, Pursue Dialogue, Says Secretary-General in Message for Korea Global Forum

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message to the Korea Global Forum for Peace, in Seoul today:

I am pleased to send my greetings to the Korea Global Forum for Peace.  I have just returned from a visit to the Republic of Korea and I applaud your strong voice for peace and security, and for championing multilateralism and cooperation.

Dialogue for peace is needed more than ever.  Regrettably, we have witnessed disappointing setbacks.  The Korean Peninsula remains a potentially dangerous international flashpoint.

Nuclear risk around the world has climbed to its highest point in decades.  We need all States to recommit to a world free of nuclear weapons and to pursue the path of dialogue to ease tensions and promote peaceful and friendly relations.

I urge all parties to foster an atmosphere conducive to advancing sustainable peace and complete and verifiable denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the 4 July Inter-Korean Joint Statement which was focused on removing misunderstandings and mitigating heightened tensions.  The anniversary is a painful reminder of the lack of peace on the Peninsula — and the current absence of dialogue between the Koreas.

I urge the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to positively respond to the offers to engage in dialogue and for all parties to build on earlier agreements.  The United Nations continues to stand ready to support initiatives to bring people together and realize lasting peace on the Peninsula.

I wish you a productive Forum.  Thank you.