RTI Drafting and Filing Competition | Testing the Transparency by The NorthCap University: Submit by Dec 15
About the School of Law, NorthCap University
The NorthCap University is a 25-year-old educational institution committed to impart quality education to the youth of this country in the field of Engineering, Management, Law and Liberal Arts. The University is known for its academic ambiance, lush green surroundings, state-of-the-art infrastructure, cleanliness, outreach programs, international tie-ups and a vibrant academic culture. We believe in Education, enlightenment employment leading towards the empowerment of an individual. It has been consistently ranked as one of the top private universities by various government and private agencies.
About the Competition
This is your opportunity to apply the law that you’ve learnt to make a difference. Identify the gaps to step up the transparency in the system!
- Participants have to file an RTI with at least one public department.
- The RTI should contain information relevant for a section of the society.
- It may cover a lacuna of law, anything which provides for a future point of action
for the relevant section identified. - Submit a copy of the Online RTI Request Form that you’ve filed, your
Registration Number, copy of Reply on this form:
Last Date to Apply: December 15, 2022.
Organiser’s tip: Do take in account the time period for supplying information by the
public authorities.
All participants filing the RTI will an e-participation certificate. We’ll have three
winners, decided on varying factors such as how well is the RTI drafted, whether it
gets the desired response that it was aimed at receiving, relevance of the matter, etc.