International Affairs

Physical, Mental Health ‘the Foundation for Peaceful, Sustainable Societies’, Says Secretary-General in Remarks to World Health Summit

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video remarks to the World Health Summit, in Geneva today:

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to greet this year’s World Health Summit.

We live in a time of great risk and uncertainty.

Nations and communities are still working to recover from the profound impacts of COVID-19.  The pandemic demonstrated how poorly we are prepared for crises.

Women have been among the hardest hit.  They are shouldering an increased burden of care — in families and as frontline workers.  At the same time, many women have endured significant income reduction due to job losses and the absence of adequate social safety nets.

The COVID-19 pandemic, along with the current food, energy and financial crises, has set back efforts to reduce poverty and hunger and implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.  To advance the Sustainable Development Goals, we must recalibrate multilateralism and strengthen global cooperation.

Too little is being invested globally in the systems needed for people’s health and well-being.  Global health security and preparedness need to be strengthened through sustained political commitment and leadership.  This requires Governments to give priority to health.  And wealthier countries and international financial institutions need to support developing countries to make those crucial investments.

Our unbalanced global financial system is failing the developing world.  This must change.

All people need inclusive, impartial and equitable access to health services to deliver universal health coverage.  And in these times of great trouble and stress, we must ensure that mental health is not a neglected aspect of health care.  Physical and mental health are the foundation for peaceful, sustainable societies.

I wish you a productive World Health Summit that will provide health for all.

Thank you.