Current Affairs

Imparting Computer Knowledge to Youth of Minority Communities

Ministry of Minority Affairs

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Posted On:

04 APR 2022 5:10PM by PIB Delhi

 ‘Seekho Aur Kamao’ scheme (Learn and Earn) is a placement-linked skill development scheme for minorities which aims to upgrade the skills of minority youth (in the age group of 14-45 years) in various modern/ traditional skills depending upon their qualification, present economic trends, and market potential, that can earn them suitable employment or make them suitably skilled to take up self-employment. The training is implemented in various trades including those on computer and information technology related courses. 33% of the total targets in the scheme are earmarked for female beneficiaries.4.60 lakh beneficiaries have been trained under the Seekho aur Kamao scheme since inception till date and   8231 beneficiaries have been trained in computer and information technology related courses.  The details of funds in the scheme during last three years are as per the table below.


Revised Estimate (in Rs. crores)

Actual Expenditure (in Rs. crores)











The scheme is implemented by Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) that are empanelled by the Ministry by inviting applications from all over India. The Ministry does not specifically selects institutions state-wise for implementation under the said scheme.

The Ministry of Minority Affairs also implements Nai Roshni scheme to empower and enhance confidence in Minority women by providing knowledge, tool and techniques for Leadership Development of Women.  It is a training programme conducted for the women belonging to  minority  community  between the  age  group  of 18 years to 65 years.   The training modules, besides  programmes for women, Health  and Hygiene, Legal rights of women, Financial Literacy, Swachch Bharat, Life Skills, Advocacy for Social and Behavioural changes, also covers Digital Literacy.  So far, more than 4.35 lakh women have been benefitted under this Scheme.

Another  Scheme “Nai Manzil”  provides a combination of formal education (Class VIII or X) and skills training in various trades including those on computer and information technology related courses.  The scheme enable the  beneficiaries to  seek better employment and livelihood.    Under the scheme, since inception,  a total of 98697 beneficiaries  were skill certified.

The list of PIAs  implementing the schemes under the Ministry   is available at Ministry’s website  at

This information was given by the Union Minister for Minority Affairs Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.


N. Ao//(MoMA_RSQ-3642)