Awareness campaign launches by PCRA to spread the message of Fuel Conservation and Energy Efficiency
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

Posted On:
11 APR 2022 5:12PM by PIB Delhi
‘Saksham’, an annual people-centric mega campaign of Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, was launched today by Sh. Pankaj Jain, Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Chairman-PCRA. The campaign will continue till 30th April 2022, with the tagline “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav through Green & Clean Energy / हरित और स्वच्छ ऊर्जा अपनाएं, आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव मनाएं”. It is a flagship public awareness campaign to spread the message of Fuel Conservation and Energy Efficiency and help in building a cleaner and greener India and also reduce its reliance on crude oil imports.
The event started with the conservation messages of Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas & Housing and Urban Affairs, Shri Hardeep S Puri and Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas & Labour and Employment Shri Rameswar Teli. It was followed by the Administration of Oil & Gas Conservation Pledge by Sh. Pankaj Jain, Secretary MoP&NG.
Sh. Jain during his keynote address emphasized the importance of fuel conservation and highlighted the need for such highly focussed program like Saksham. He exhorted everyone to embrace “Fuel conservation Mantra” in their day-to-day life. On this occasion, Sh. Pankaj Jain also flagged-off the publicity vans of PCRA, the fuel conservation messages on wheels, equipped with audio, video and print displays to attract and spread the conservation awareness especially amongst the rural masses. During the event, Energy Efficiency Index for LPG Plants was formally launched and a booklet on this was released.
On this occasion various awards were also presented to the LPG Plants having the best EEI (Energy Efficiency Index), Industries for the best implementation of the Energy Audit Recommendations by PCRA, various State Govts, Oil & Gas PSUs for their exemplary works in the fields of fuel conservation. Various STUs (State Transport Undertakings) were also awarded for fuel efficiency.
Numerous programs and activities all over the country have been planned by PCRA in association with upstream/downstream Oil & Gas Public Sector companies during ‘Saksham-2022’. Various programs like organizing Saksham Cyclothons in 300 cities all over India, Saksham Walkathon at all district HQs, CNG Car/Auto Rally in 25 cities, E-Vehicle Rally at 4 metros, Seminars on various topics under clean and green energy, Campaigns on Fuel Conservation in Schools/Colleges/Public places, Fuel Efficient Driving Contests for Cars/L&MCVs/HDVs, Promoting efficient and safe use of LPG through LPG Panchayats, Training of LPG delivery boys on LPG saving tips, Group Talk at Retail Outlets & CNG Stations, Agriculture workshops and Campaigns for Farmers, Workshops/Group Talks for STUs/ Fleet Operators (Organised/ Unorganised Sector), Nationwide campaign through Radio, TV etc. will be conducted with a focus on reaching out to various segments of fuel users. PCRA is going to utilize the social media platforms for various customized campaigns through Facebook, twitter, Instagram & You tube platform.