Department of Land Resources conducts Special Campaign 2.0 for disposal of pending references and cleanliness
Ministry of Rural Development

Union Minister of Rural Development reviews the activities and progress of Special Campaign 2.0
Department also organised two sessions on Stress Management in September, 2022 at REJUVE Wellness Centre for its officials
Posted On:
20 OCT 2022 5:58PM by PIB Delhi
With the vision to extend the heartfelt tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, the Prime Minister had launched Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in 2014. Subsequently the Special Campaign on Disposal of Pending References and Cleanliness was launched in 2021. Accordingly, the Government has decided to conduct Special Campaign 2.0 in Central Government Ministries/Departments, attached/subordinate offices of Government of India from 2nd October-31st October, 2022.
The Department of Land Resources (DoLR) under Ministry of Rural Development has undertaken the Special Campaign 2.0 at all three sites i.e. NBO Building, Shivaji Stadium & CGO Complex. Swachhta Pakhwada of DoLR was also observed during 1st Oct to 15th Oct, 2022. The objective of this campaign is to minimize pendency, institutionalize swachhata, strengthen internal monitoring mechanisms, train officers in record management, digitization of physical records, setting up protocols and monitoring mechanisms for Swachhata.
The Special Campaign 2.0 has been taken in real spirit in the Department of Land Resources. Activities taken up by DoLR w.r.t. the Special Campaign 2.0 are as under;
- As directed by MoRD, in order to ensure cleanliness, Nodal Officers have already been nominated for all three buildings, beside an overall Nodal Officer in the Department. As per direction of Union Minister of Rural Development, weekly reports on Cleanliness activities undertaken in the Department are also being sent. Minister of Rural Development has also taken a review meeting on the progress of the Campaign on 18th October,2022.
- Review meetings are taken up by the Secretary (LR) level with Senior Officers on the progress of the Campaign. Secretary(LR) inspected the office premises and directed to take certain activities like white washing of walls & removal of seepage, renovation of pantry room and the other places/rooms, wherever it is required, painting of almirah in uniform color, ensuring half an hour switching off lights by Officers during lunch hour, motivate employees to bring potted plants. Nodal Officer has also taken review meetings and inspected all sites.
- Data including Pictures have been uploaded on the SCDPM Portal of DARPG. Pictures/Videos are being shared in the Social Media Platforms.
Swachhata manifests not just in physical space but also affects our mental state. Accordingly, the Department has created a Rejuve Wellness Centre at its Shivaji Stadium Annexe Office premise during the Special Campaign 1.0 and the same has been recognised in the Good Governance Week (GGW) as a special achievement. A film has also been shot on 16th September, 2022 covering the event by DD News team highlighting the REJUVE Wellness Centre set up by the Department. The Department has also organised two sessions on Stress Management through a renowned expert on 20th and 21st September, 2022 at REJUVE Wellness Centre for the officers and officials of the Department.
Stress Management Program at REJUVE Wellness Centre
Initiative of the Department taken by all the Officers to turn off their lights daily for half an hours during the lunch hours to save electricity has been noted by DARPG as the Best Practices under the category of “Environment Friendly Practices”.
Preparatory activities related to identification, review and disposal of pending references, Physical Files & e-Files, electronic items and equipments/ furniture in condemned conditions have been planned and initiated for Special Campaign 2.0 on Cleanliness & disposal of pending references. Standees of Special Campaign 2.0 and Swachhta Pakhwada-2022 have been prepared and placed at entry gates to create awareness about the event. Data have been uploaded on the SCDPM Portal of DARPG. CPWD has been requested to undertake white-washing and necessary repairs as and where required. Besides, NDMC has also been requested to take up necessary maintenance activities at Shivaji Stadium office premise hired by the Department.