Current Affairs

Text of the Vice-President’s address at 16th convocation ceremony, NLU Jodhpur (Excerpts)

Text of the Vice-President’s address at 16th convocation ceremony, NLU Jodhpur (Excerpts)

I am grateful for the request of the Honourable Chief Justice, Rajasthan High Court and Chancellor of the National Law University, Jodhpur, Justice Manindra Mohan Srivastava and the invite of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur, to be a part of the momentous occasion of 16th Convocation Ceremony of NLU, Jodhpur.
I had agreed and so planned also to be with you on this day. However, on account of the extension of the Parliament session, constitutional compulsions have constrained me from availing the opportunity.
I realise a virtual address — the one I am making — is, at best, a substitute. I will be amongst the distinguished faculty and dear students of this prestigious institution soon.
Congratulations to all the recipients of degrees and medals. These are culmination of your dedicated efforts. Indeed a matter of joy for your parents and teachers. However, always remember learning is life long and does not end on conferment of degrees and medals.
You are lucky to have received on one hand quality education and on the other hand living in Amrit Kaal. You’re stepping out of this prestigious institution and taking leap in the larger domain where multiple opportunities await you.
It is time when India is defining global order in several ways. It is on rise as never before. The rise is incremental and now unstoppable.
My young friends, the ecosystem, as you step out with your credentials, is soothingly salubrious — principally, for the three elements that are heart of democratic governance.
1. Now there is exemplary equality before law. Enforceability of “be you so high, the law is always above you” is now a ground reality. High and mighty who believed to be beyond the reach of long arms of law are getting surprised.
2. Governance in recent years has reflected incremental intolerance of corruption that severely plagued our system for too long. Extra-legal leveraging in decision-making is now a matter of the past.
Corrupt means are no longer rewarding. Such elements are being held accountable by the stranglehold of law. They are being meted out justice they deserve.
3. Youth of today are enabled as a consequence of affirmative policies and initiatives to unleash their potential, exploit their talent to realise their dreams and aspirations. Patronnage is no longer password to attain a job or contract. Bharat, as per the IMF and the World Bank, is a favorite global destination for investment and opportunity. You only have to avail the same.
Another facet that has generated a national upbeat mood is the traversing of our economy from being a part of ‘Fragile 5’ a decade ago to being a part of the ‘Top 5’ global economies having overtaken economies of Canada, UK and France. By 2030, Bharat will be at number 3 ahead of Japan and Germany.
We are making advances in the area of critical technologies, and what we achieve in this field will be decisive for our future. With our successful Chandrayaan 3 mission we have become a major space power. Our Atmanirbhata goal befits our ambition to be a leading power.
Global response to India, of late, has shown a qualitative quantum jump. Consequently, the Indian passport all over evokes highest deference.
We are more than 1/6th of humanity, and now the most populous country in the world with youth demographic component. There is inherent strength in this. We can no longer be ignored.

At the international level, our voice is now heard with more respect. By maintaining our strategic autonomy we are a bridge between North and South, as well as East and West.

Our leadership of the Global South has strengthened our diplomatic hand. The unprecedented success of the G 20 summit has boosted our international stature. As we grow, the shift in global political and economic power towards the East will be accelerated. We have the ambition to be a developed economy by 2047 which will be built on our revived civilisational foundations.
Our strength is our youth, of which you are a vital part with your high qualifications. Our ambitions at the national level are clear, the vision is there, but our success in nation building depends on the aspirations and efforts of our youth. You are the future leaders of the country, the creators of positive change, driving economic, technological and social progress.
In this glorious Amrit Kaal, there are some who set afloat anti-national narratives. Such pernicious elements are a recipe for chaos. You, being the most vital stakeholder in democracy and governance, need to neutralize such nefarious tendencies.
The legal regime has recently undergone epochal change. Now, we have ‘nyay vidhan’ after unshackling from the colonial legacy of ‘dand vidhan’.
All of you are entering a profession that has exalted ideals. You are to act as watchdogs of law and constitutionalism.
As a part of human resources empowerment, now there is constitutional reservation to the extent of one third for women in Lok Sabha and State Legislature. This has fructified after a long wait of three decades. This impactful development will give cutting edge to policy making and enhance productivity.
My dear young friends, in the field of law new and complex challenges are emerging. These also emanate from disruptive technologies like Artificial intelligence. Challenging impact of these – like Deepfake, is already emerging as global concern. You’ll have to find ways to legally tackle this menace.
You have to work to achieve something larger than yourself with your passionate and positive involvement so as to serve Bharat, home to one sixth of humanity.
Your high academic qualifications are an asset for the country. In whatever field you will work, you will be a part of the developing India story. That story is full of promise.
Already in Amrit Kaal firm foundations are being laid for realising Vikasit Bharat at 2047. All of you are foot soldiers in this Marathon to 2047.
The nation is full of hope and optimism that when Bharat celebrates centenary of its Independence in 2047, it will be a developed nation and a global leader.
As custodians of justice, you must always remember that the law must be citizen-centric and people – friendly. It should serve as a guiding light for those seeking redress. Innovative steps taken need to be popularised and practiced by you all.
Law must be a tool for empowerment, a force for good, and a shield against injustice. I implore each one of you to carry this torch forward, to ensure that the law remains a source of hope and a firm embodiment of fairness.
As students and future practitioners of law in a country that is on the continual incremental rise, you hold immense potential to drive positive transformation and contribute to the collective progress of the nation. Embrace this responsibility with fervour!
I urge you all to always keep interest of the nation first. We all ate proud Indians and take pride jn our exponential phenomenonal growth.
As you embark on this remarkable journey, let your actions be guided by the legacy of this institution.
Have faith in yourselves, and have courage of conviction to champion the causes that resonate with your conscience and with the needs of the time.
Of the many inspiring thoughts bequeathed to us, I will end by quoting Swami Vivekanand who emphasised the importance of persistence and relentless pursuit of one’s goals when he sold ” Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached”.

I wish you the best in your future endeavours.
May you realise your aspirations and contribute
Thank you! Jai Hind.

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