Current Affairs

Shri Narayan Rane approves setting up of Export Acceleration and Experience Centre (EAEC) and  Centre of Excellence for MSME Enablement of Technology (COMET) at National Institute for MSME (ni-msme), Hyderabad

Shri Narayan Rane approves setting up of Export Acceleration and Experience Centre (EAEC) and  Centre of Excellence for MSME Enablement of Technology (COMET) at National Institute for MSME (ni-msme), Hyderabad

The 16th Governing Council and 15thAnnual General Meeting of National Institute for MSME (ni-msme), Hyderabad was held under the Chairmanship of Union Minister of MSME Shri Narayan Rane today in   New Delhi . In the meeting the Union Minister approved the setting up of the following centres at UdyamAlok, ni-msme, Hyderabad:

i) Export Acceleration and Experience Centre (EAEC) will empower MSMEs towards boosting exports and align with Atmanirbhar Bharat for promotion of exports.The EAEC will also provide comprehensive support services, including market research, logistics solutions, digital marketing training, access to funding and global marketplace through a unique blend of seamless academia-industry collaboration.

ii) Centre of Excellence for MSME Enablement of Technology (COMET) is being set up, in collaboration with IIT-Hyderabad, at ni-msme, Hyderabad to facilitate MSMEs with inter-disciplinary, design-focused technologies that would enable them to be global players with indigenous technology development.This proposed Centre will be a platform for Technology Development, Testing, Demonstration and Certification for MSMEs, with digital cataloguing and will be B2B Marketplace for technologies. It will also facilitate MSMEs in developing the energy efficient Technologies apart from solving their existing technological problems.  It sensitizes the MSMEs on advanced technologies, provides hands-on training and skill development, and encourages entrepreneurial activities.

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