International Affairs

Secretary-General Appoints Major General Cheryl Pearce of Australia Deputy Military Adviser for Peacekeeping Operations

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Major General Cheryl Pearce of Australia as Deputy Military Adviser for Peacekeeping Operations.

Major General Pearce succeeds Major General Maureen Patricia O’Brien of Ireland, to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for her dedication and leadership.

Currently serving as the Deputy Chief of the Army of the Australian Defence Force, Major General Pearce brings to this position more than 35 years of military experience.  She was Force Commander of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus from 2019 to 2021.

She previously served as the Commandant of the Australian Defence Force Academy (2017-2019) and as Commander of the Australian Joint Task Force Group in Afghanistan (2016).  She was the Australian Army Headquarters Chief of Staff (2013-2016) and Director of Special Operations Support (2010-2012).  Major General Pearce also held the positions of Commandant of the Defence Police Training Centre and Commanding Officer of the 1st Military Police Battalion.  She was the Australian Army’s Provost-Marshal, as well as a military observer with the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor in 2002.

Major General Pearce holds a Bachelor of Arts in Asian studies from the University of New England in Armidale, a master’s in policing, intelligence and counter-terrorism from Macquarie University in Sydney and a Master of Arts in defence studies from Deakin University in Melbourne, all in Australia.


* This supersedes Press Release SG/A/1838-BIO/5158-PKO/755 of 8 November 2018.