Current Affairs

Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) conducts ‘Special Campaign 4.0’ from 2nd to 31st October, 2024 with full vigour and enthusiasm

Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) conducts ‘Special Campaign 4.0’ from 2nd to 31st October, 2024 with full vigour and enthusiasm

The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), along with its organisations and field offices, is conducting Special Campaign 4.0 from 2nd to  31st October 2024 with full zeal. During the Preparatory Phase of the Campaign, carried out during 16th to 30th September, 2024, the Ministry, in collaboration with its attached and field organizations, set specific targets, including the identification of cleanliness campaign sites, planning for space management and office beautification, recognizing scrap and redundant items and identified pending references and State-level references for their resolution in the Implementation phase during 2nd to 31st October, 2024.

As part of the ongoing implementation phase from 2nd October, 2024, the Ministry of MSME has undertaken various focused initiatives and targeted activities for achieving the goals of institutionalising Swachhata and minimising pendency.

During the ongoing Implementation Phase of the Campaign (2nd October-31st October, 2024), the Ministry is making concerted efforts for disposal of identified pending references.  Consequently, till 17th October, 2024 which is the mid campaign stage, there has been a reduction in pendency by a successful disposal of 86% of Public Grievances, 50% of PMO references, 52% of MP references.  Further, 19% of the reviewed physical files have been weeded out and 21% of the reviewed e-files have been closed so far and the exercise is ongoing.   Towards, cleanliness campaign, the completion rate is 28% while other activities are under active progress.  The revenue earned through scrap disposal is Rs.18,65,156/- so far.

Regular review meetings are convened by the Ministry in hybrid modes with all the Nodal Officers of the Ministry of MSME and its organizations to sensitize them about the importance of cleanliness and encouraging them to complete the targets fixed for execution during the implementation phase well in time.

As part of the ‘Special Campaign 4.0’, key steps taken by the Ministry to make the Campaign a success are as under:-

(I)       Innovative and Technology Adoption measures:  As part of the technological advancement under ‘Special Campaign 4.0’, the Ministry has taken the following innovative measures till date :

Swachhata Pledge Certificate


MSME Dashboard for uploading of Events

MSME Dashboard for uploading of Events

(II)      Plantation drive & Cleanliness drive:  

Plantation Drive at DFO, Okhla on 1st October, 2024


Cleanliness drive at MSME-DFO Okhla, New Delhi


         Plantation drive at Central Institute of Hand Tools, M/o MSME, Jalandhar (Punjab)

Before                                                             After

Cleanliness drive at roof of MGIRI Campus at Wardha, Maharashtra

(III)     Awareness Initiatives:


(IV)     Monitoring & Reviews:

Inspection Committee of M/o MSME visiting Sections on 07.10.24

The Ministry of MSME, alongwith its attached and field organizations, upholds its commitment towards achieving the targets set under the ‘Special Campaign 4.0’, with a saturation spirit.

  1. On 2nd October, 2024, an online ‘Swachhta Pledge’ was organized for all employees of the M/o Ministry, its organizations and field formationsAround 3600 officers/staff members took ‘Swachhta Pledge on the same day. So far, 31498 number of Entrepreneurs, Officers/Staff members, Organisations etc. have taken ‘Swachhta Pledge’, under ‘Special Campaign 4.0’ on this feature that has been enabled on the website of the Ministry.

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