Current Affairs

Ministry of Labour and Employment Takes Strides Towards Swachhata and Efficiency

Ministry of Labour and Employment Takes Strides Towards Swachhata and Efficiency

The Ministry of Labour and Employment is dedicated to institutionalizing Swachhata (cleanliness) and reducing pendency within the Ministry, its autonomous bodies, and field formations. Inspired by the vision of our Prime Minister, the Ministry is steadfast in its commitment to creating a more streamlined and efficient government.

Progress Highlights (November 2023 – August 2024):

As we look ahead, the Ministry of Labour and Employment is gearing up for the upcoming Special Campaign 4.0. Scheduled to take place from 2nd to 31st October 2024, this campaign is designed to further institutionalize cleanliness and reduce pending matters within the Ministry, its autonomous bodies, and field formations.

Under the leadership of Union Minister for Labour and Employment and the support of our esteemed team, the Ministry is fully committed to the successful implementation of activities under Special Campaign 4.0.


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