Current Affairs

List of Outcomes : State visit of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Bhutan

List of Outcomes : State visit of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Bhutan

MoUs/Agreement/Plan of Action

This MoU provides for a list of Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants related items. GoI would facilitate its supply to Bhutan through agreed entry/exit points.

The agreement will facilitate the trade between India and Bhutan by promoting ease of doing business and reducing compliance cost on both sides. The MoU will make the export inspection certificate issued by BFDA acceptable by FSSAI for compliance with requirements prescribed by FSSAI, while exporting the products to India.

This MoU aims to assist Bhutan to enhance energy efficiency in the household sector by promoting star labeling programme developed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency. The MoU covers facilitating the formulation of building codes based on India’s experience, creation of a pool of energy professionals at Bhutan by institutionalizing training of energy auditors etc.

This MoU would help further people to people linkages between India and Bhutan by advancing linkages between sports agencies of both sides and conduct sports activities/programmes.

This MoU would help further developing our close cooperation and exchanging information in the field of the regulation of medicines in accordance with the respective laws and regulations of each side. The MoU would allow for acceptance of Indian Pharmacopoeia by Bhutan as a book of standards for medicines and supply of generic medicines at affordable price.

The Joint Action Plan provides a concrete roadmap for further developing our space cooperation through exchange programmes, training etc.

This MoU is between the National Knowledge Network (NKN) of India and Druk Research and Education Network (DrukREN) of Bhutan to renew the peering agreement between NKN and DrukREN, The MoU will enhance digital connectivity between India and Bhutan and will benefit the scholars and research institutions of Bhutan.

In addition, both sides have also agreed on and initialled the text of the MoU on Establishment of Rail Links between India and Bhutan.- The MoU provides for establishment of two proposed rail links between India and Bhutan, including the Kokrajhar-Gelephu rail link and Banarhat-Samtse rail link and their implementation modalities.

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