Current Affairs

Launch of “Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari” Initiative in Gujarat

Launch of “Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari” Initiative in Gujarat

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will launch the “Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari,”initiative, a collaborative effort with community partnership, is being launched in Surat, Gujarat on 6th September 2024. The initiative is aimed at strengthening the momentum of Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain. Inspired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of a whole of society, whole of government approach to water conservation with strong emphasis on community partnership and ownership, the Government of Gujarat has endeavoured to mobilise citizens, local bodies, industries and other stakeholders to ensure a water secure future. This initiative seeks to demonstrate how community engagement & ownership can effectively support and advance Shri Modi’s vision of water security. The recharge structures built under the initiative will be instrumental in enhancing rainwater harvesting and achieving long term water sustainability.

Objective of Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari initiative:

The Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari initiative is a reflection of the Prime Minister’s unwavering resolve to make water conservation a national priority. His passionate advocacy for sustainable water management, as consistently emphasized in his speeches, has inspired this initiative. The Prime Minister has often underscored that water security is not merely a policy objective but a mission that requires the collective effort of every citizen, industry and government body.

Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari initiative aims to expand Gujarat’s pioneering approach to water conservation, a model deeply rooted in community involvement and CSR-driven projects. The initiative is aimed at further strengthening the Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain campaign, reinforcing the Prime Minister’s vision of turning every drop of rain into a valuable resource.

The initiative promises to be a landmark occasion, setting the stage for future water conservation efforts across India. By showcasing Gujarat’s pioneering model, it aims to inspire collective action and reaffirm the importance of sustainable water management for the prosperity of the nation

Impact and Future Vision:

The “Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari” initiative aims to further galvanize efforts towards water conservation by creating a replicable model for CSR-driven initiatives. The program will showcase Gujarat’s success, encouraging other states and Union Territories to adopt similar strategies. The involvement of State Nodal Officers from across the country in this launch event underscores the national importance of this initiative.

The launch of “Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari” marks a significant step forward in India’s journey towards water security. By harnessing the power of community participation and CSR funding, this initiative is poised to set a new standard for water conservation efforts across the country, ensuring a sustainable water future for generations to come.


Inspired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s impetus on jal sanchay in his Mann ki Baat speech, the Jal Shakti Abhiyan (JSA) was launched in the year 2019 in 1,592 blocks out of 2,836 blocks in 256 water stressed districts of the country. JSA could not be taken up in 2020 due to Covid pandemic. In 2021, “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain” (JSA: CTR) with the theme “Catch the Rain – Where it Falls When it Falls” was launched by the Prime Minister subsuming Catch the Rain campaign to cover all the blocks of all districts (rural as well as urban areas) across the country. “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain” campaign has now become an annual feature and the fifth edition of JSA was launched on 09.03.2024 with the main theme “Nari Shakti se Jal Shakti”.

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