Current Affairs

 Junior Research Fellowships for OBC students

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Posted On:

07 FEB 2024 2:36PM by PIB Delhi

The Government is giving 1000 Junior Research Fellowships per year for OBC students for taking up advanced studies and research. The total number of slots under NFOBC scheme is 1000 per year.

The selection under NFOBC Scheme is being made on the basis of merit of candidates for UGC-NET-JRF and CSIR-NET-JRF examinations to undertake advance studies and research leading to M.Phil./Ph.D.

The Government has revised JRFs amount last year. The details are as follows:

Enhancement in fellowship rates w.e.f. 01.01.2023



Existing rates (Rs. per month)

Revised rates (Rs. per month)

JRF (Junior Research Fellowship)

@Rs 31,000/- pm for 2 years

@Rs 37,000/- pm for 2 years

SRF (Senior Research Fellowship)

@Rs 35,000/- pm for remaining tenure

@Rs 42,000 /- pm for remaining tenure


The selection under NFOBC Scheme is being made on the basis of merit of candidates for UGC-NET-JRF and CSIR-NET-JRF examinations.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Sushri Pratima Bhoumik in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
