Current Affairs

HQIDS organises Workshop on Making India Self-Reliant in IC Chip Manufacturing

HQIDS organises Workshop on Making India Self-Reliant in IC Chip Manufacturing

Considering the immense importance of IC manufacturing technology, Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) organised a one-day Workshop on the theme “Energizing Semiconductor Ecosystem to Make India Self-Reliant in IC Chip Manufacturing” on 13th Dec 2024 at Manekshaw Centre, Delhi. The event was chaired by Vice Admiral Sanjay Vatsayan, Deputy Chief of IDS (Perspective Planning and Force Development). He propounded the need to develop an ‘Indian Defence Semiconductor Policy’, stating that ‘India was on the cusp of a trans-formative change driven by demand and the Government’s policy’.

 The Workshop provided a platform for brainstorming critical issues pertaining to the theme, by bringing together experts form various Departments of the Ministry of Defence including HQ IDS, Services HQs, DRDO, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) along with Academia and Private Industries. Deliberations were held on India’s journey from Material to Device Fabrication and towards arriving at a road map for making India Self-Reliant in design, development and manufacturing of IC Chips for military applications.

Integrated circuits are the backbone of modern technology, used in smartphones, computers, medical device, automotive systems, military systems, communication networks and critical infrastructure. In today’s interconnected global economy, having a semiconductor manufacturing capability reduces dependency on foreign suppliers and minimizes the risk of supply chain disruptions.

Eminent dignitaries including Dr Meena Mishra, OS & Director Solid State Physics Laboratory of DRDO and Mr Utpal Shah, Senior Vice President on behalf of Dr Randhir Thakur, MD & CEO Tata Electronics delivered special addresses.

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