Global Development Initiative’s Work Addresses Common Challenges, Helps Achieve Sustainable Development Goals, Secretary-General Tells Ministerial Meeting
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video remarks to the Ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative, in New York today:
Last year, President Xi proposed this effort to help revive global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Since then, this Group of Friends has grown to 60 Member States.
The world needs your collaboration and support. We face a perfect storm of cascading crises. From the COVID-19 pandemic to continuing supply chain disruptions and devastating rises in the cost of living to the climate emergency. From growing numbers of poor and hungry to disruptions of schooling for hundreds of millions of students. From worsening inequalities to rising social unrest.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are our blueprint for setting things right. To achieve them, we need solidarity and a renewed multilateralism. Developing countries need expanded fiscal space and financial resources to implement sustainable recovery plans.
The holistic Global Development Initiative is a valued contribution to addressing common challenges and accelerating the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive future. Let’s work together to put the SDGs back on track for the well-being of this and future generations and the planet on which we all depend. Thank you.