Current Affairs

English rendering of PM’s reply to the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address in the Lok Sabha

Prime Minister’s Office

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05 FEB 2024 10:34PM by PIB Delhi

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I stand here in support of the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address. When the Hon’ble President addressed all of us in this new building of the Parliament, and the way Sengol was leading the entire procession with dignity and respect, we all were following behind it … When this new tradition in the new House becomes a reflection of that sacred moment of Bharat’s independence, the dignity of democracy goes up manifold. The 75th Republic Day followed by the new parliament building and led by the Sengol … the entire scene was very impressive. When I was participating in the entire program from there, we don’t see that grandeur from here, but when I saw the President and the Vice President with their dignified presence in the new House from there … I will always cherish that moment which was very impressive.  I express my gratitude to more than 60 Hon’ble members for expressing their thoughts on the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address with humility. 

I especially commend the resolution taken by the Opposition. Each and every aspect of their speech has strengthened my and the nation’s conviction that they have resolved to stay there (in the opposition benches) for a long time. You sat here (in the treasury benches) for many decades, but now you have resolved to sit there (in the opposition benches) for many more decades. And the people are like the form of God. The way you all are working hard these days, I firmly believe that the divine form of people will surely bless you. And you will definitely reach even higher heights than you are right now and will be seen in the Visitors’ Gallery after the next elections. Adhir Ranjan (Chowdhury) ji, have you awarded them the contract this time? You have facilitated these things.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I can see that many of you have also lost the nerve to fight the elections. Many people changed their seats (to contest elections) last time, and I have heard that this time too they are eager to change their seats. And I have heard that many people now want to go to the Rajya Sabha instead of the Lok Sabha. They are trying to find their own way of assessing the situation.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The President’s Address is, in a way, a document based on facts and realities, which the President has presented before the nation. And if you look at this entire document, the Hon’ble President has attempted to encapsulate the realities, which depict the pace at which the country is progressing and the scale of expansion of activities. While keeping in mind Bharat’s bright future, the Hon’ble President has drawn our attention to four strong pillars. Her precise assessment is that the stronger and more developed these four pillars of the country are, the more prosperous our country will be, and it will progress rapidly. While mentioning these four pillars, she discussed the country’s ‘Nari Shakti’ (women power), the country’s ‘Yuva Shakti’ (youth power), our poor brothers and sisters, and the country’s farmers, fishermen and our livestock breeders. The Hon’ble President has clearly stated the direction to achieve the goals of a ‘Viksit Bharat’ (developed India) through the empowerment of these four pillars. You may not consider the fishermen, livestock breeders, farmers, women and the youth as minorities … What has happened to you Dada (Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury)? Is this what you talk about the youth of this country? All sections of society are not equal. Is this what you should talk about the women of the country that they are not equal? How long will you keep thinking about divisions, how long will you keep dividing society? Limit your words, limit your boundaries, you have fragmented the country too much.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

It would have been good if there were at least some positive aspects in this discussion before they make their way out. It would have been good if some positive suggestions would come up, but as always, all of you have disappointed the country a lot. The country understands the limit of your thinking. It repeatedly hurts to see this situation that this is their condition and the limit of their thinking.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The leaders may have changed, but the tape recorder is still playing the same tune. The same old themes, nothing new comes up. The same old rhetoric and the same old tune continue from your side. It is the election year. You could have worked a bit harder, brought forward some new issues, and conveyed a message to the public, but even in that, you failed. Ok, let me teach you this as well.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The Congress party is mostly responsible for the present condition of the Opposition. The Congress got a great opportunity to become a good opposition, and 10 years is not a short period. But they completely failed to fulfil that responsibility in those 10 years. There are also capable people in the Opposition (Congress party), but when their (leaders) failed, they did not allow the competent people in their party to rise because it could then lead to complications. And that’s why they did the same thing and repeatedly subdued those talented people in the opposition. There are many young and enthusiastic Members of Parliament in our House. They have enthusiasm and energy. But if they speak up, their image might rise, and perhaps someone else’s image might get affected. With that concern in mind they did not allow the House to function to deny this young generation an opportunity to speak. In a way, they have inflicted such a big loss to themselves, the Opposition, the Parliament, and the country as well. And that’s why I always believe that the country needs a healthy and effective Opposition. The country has suffered enough due to dynastic politics, and the Congress itself has paid the price for it. Now, even Adhir Babu is paying the price. We can see Adhir Babu’s condition now. Otherwise, this was the time to stay in Parliament. But one has to serve the dynasty.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Now, look at the situation, our (Mallikarjun) Kharge ji has shifted from this House to another House, and Gulam Nabi (Azad) ji has even shifted from the party. All of this is the result of dynastic politics. In the pursuit of launching the same product repeatedly, the Congress shop is now facing the prospect of being closed. And we’re not talking about this shop (Mohabbat Ki Dukan), you’re saying it. You say you’ve opened a shop, you say it everywhere. Now, such a situation has developed that there is a need to put a lock on the shop. Here, our Dada (Adhir Ranja Chowdhury) cannot give up his habit; he is sitting there and commenting on dynastic politics. Let me explain a bit today. Pardon me, Mr Speaker Sir, I am taking a little more time today. What is the dynastic politics that we talk about? We have never opposed dynastic politics if more than one person progresses in the political field with public support in any family. We talk about dynastic politics when a party is run by a family, which prioritizes party members from the family and when all decisions of the party are made by family members. That is dynastic politics. Neither Rajnath (Singh) ji nor Amit Shah ji have their own political parties. Therefore, where two parties of one family are mentioned, it is not appropriate in a democracy. In a democracy, it is not wrong if ten people from one family come into politics. We want young people to come. We also want this issue to be discussed. It’s not just my concern; it’s our concern for the democracy of the country, the politics of family dynasties and the politics of family parties. That’s why if two people from one family progress, I welcome it; if ten people progress, I welcome it. The more new generations and good people come into the service of the nation, the better. The question is that families run parties. It’s certain that if somebody is not the president then his or her son will be the president. This is a danger to democracy. Thank you Dada (Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury)! Generally, I never speak about this topic, but I spoke about it today.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Efforts are being made to repeatedly launch the same product.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The Congress has become entangled in one family, they can’t see the aspirations and achievements of millions of families, they can’t see, they are not prepared to see beyond their own family. And a ‘cancel culture’ has developed in the Congress, anything – cancel, anything – cancel. The Congress has become stuck in such a cancel culture. If we say Make in India, Congress says cancel it, if we say ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat (Self-reliant India), Congress says cancel it, if we say Vocal for Local, Congress says cancel it, if we say Vande Bharat Express, Congress says cancel it, if we talk about the new building of Parliament, Congress says cancel it. I am surprised. These are not Modi’s achievements; these are the achievements of the country. How long will you nurture so much hatred? And because of that, you have also negated the successes of the country, the achievements of the country.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The Hon’ble President discussed the economic aspects in detail while speaking about the roadmap for ‘Viksit Bharat’. She discussed the foundational pillars of the economy intricately. Bharat’s robust economy is being praised worldwide today; the entire world is impressed by it. And when the world is going through a crisis, naturally, she feels even better when Bharat is progressing. During the G20 Summit, all countries have seen what the world thinks about Bharat, what the world says about Bharat, and what the world does for Bharat. Based on the experiences of these ten years in office and seeing the strong economy of today’s Bharat developing at a rapid pace, I confidently say that Bharat will become the world’s third-largest economic power in our third term, and this is Modi’s guarantee.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Were they not given the opportunity earlier? Everyone has been given a chance, right!

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

When will we emerge as the world’s third-largest economic power, some of our colleagues in the Opposition make a strange argument! They say, “What’s the big deal? It will happen on its own. What’s your contribution, what is the contribution of Modi? It will happen on its own.”  I want to explain through this House what the role of the government is, especially to the youth of the country. I want to tell the youth of the country how things happen and what is the role of the government.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Ten years ago, when the Interim Budget was presented in February 2014, you know who was ruling, and the country knows too. When the Finance Minister of that time presented the Interim Budget ten years ago, what he said at that time is of great significance. I am quoting him word by word. When you say that Bharat will automatically reach the third position, they should understand. What did they say? “I now wish to look forward and outline a vision for the future, vision for the future.” The greatest economist of the universe was saying, “I now wish to look forward and outline a vision for the future.” He further said, “I wonder how many have noted the fact that the economy of the country in terms of size of its GDP is the 11th largest in the world.” Imagine the pride when we reached 11th position in 2014. Today we have reached the 5th position, and what is happening to you now?

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I am reading further. (Gaurav) Gogoi ji, thank you, you said it well. I am reading further, listen carefully, colleagues, listen carefully. He said, “It is the 11th largest in the world”. It was a matter of great pride. Then he went on to say, “There are great things in the store. There is a well-argued view that in the next three decades, the nominal GDP will take the country to the 3rd rank after the US and China.” At that time, this great economist of the universe was saying that we will reach the third position in thirty years, and then he said, “This is my vision.” There are many people who live with these notions; he is the greatest economist of the universe. They were saying this in 2014, and what vision they see, that by 2044 Bharat will be the third-largest economy. This is their vision, this is their limit. They had lost the ability to dream; determination was a distant thing for them.

They offered the youth of my country to wait for thirty years. But today, we stand before you with confidence, standing in this august House. And I assure you that we will not take 30 years – this is Modi’s guarantee. In my third term, the country will become the third-largest economic power in the world. I feel sorry for them for how they set goals and how far their thinking went. And you (the Congress leaders) were proud to be at 11th position, whereas, we have brought the economy of the country to fifth position. But if the country reaching the 11th position made you happy, then you should also be happy about the country reaching the fifth position. The country has reached 5th position, you should be happy. Where are you stuck?

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The entire world is watching today the speed of the BJP government’s work, the magnitude of our goals, and the strength of our resolve.

And Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The saying goes, and this is often used in Uttar Pradesh: नौ दिन चले अढ़ाई कोस and I believe this saying perfectly defines the Congress party. The sluggish pace of the Congress has no comparison. The speed at which work is being done in the country today is something a Congress government could never even imagine.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

For the rural poor, we have built 4 crore houses. And for the urban poor, 80 lakh pucca houses have been constructed. If these houses had been built at the pace of the Congress (government), I calculate what would have happened. If the pace of the Congress (government) had been as it was, it would have taken 100 years to accomplish this much work. Five generations would have passed.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

In the last 10 years, electrification of 40,000 kilometers of railway tracks has been completed. If the country had been running at the pace of the Congress (government), it would have taken 80 years to accomplish this task. In a way, four generations would have passed.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

We have provided 17 crore additional gas connections and this is my account for 10 years. If we had followed the Congress (government’s) pace, it would have taken another 60 years to provide these connections, which is equivalent to three generations spending their lives cooking over smoke.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

During the term of our government, sanitation coverage has reached from 40 per cent to 100 per cent. If the Congress (government’s) pace had been followed, this task would have taken another 60-70 years to accomplish, and at least three generations would have passed, but still there would be no guarantee whether it would have been achieved or not.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The mentality of the Congress has caused a lot of damage to the country. The Congress has never trusted the capabilities of the nation. They always considered themselves rulers and continuously underestimated the people, diminishing their importance.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I know how they thought about the citizens of the country. They would feel a little pricked if I took his name. The first Prime Minister of Bharat, Jawaharlal Nehru, made a statement from the Red Fort on August 15th, which I will now read: “The habit of working hard is not common in India. We do not work as much as the people of Europe, Japan, China, Russia, or America do.” Nehru ji made these remarks from the Red Fort. “Do not think that these nations became prosperous by magic; it was through hard work and intelligence.” He was giving certificates to them, undermining the people of Bharat. Nehru ji’s perception of Indians was that they were lazy. Nehru ji’s perception of Indians was that they were less intelligent.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Indira (Gandhi) ji’s mindset wasn’t much different from Nehru’s. On August 15th, Indira ji said from the Red Fort, “Unfortunately, our habit is such that when a good deed is completed, we become complacent, and when difficulties arise, we become hopeless. Sometimes it feels like the entire nation has embraced a sense of defeatism.” Looking at the Congress members today, it seems that while Indira ji may not have accurately assessed the (capabilities of the) people of the country, but she had made a precise assessment of the Congress party itself. The members of the Congress’s royal family viewed my country’s people in the same light because they themselves were like that. And even today, we see the same kind of thinking from them.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The Congress party has always placed its trust solely in one family. They can neither think independently nor see beyond that family. They recently formed ‘Bhanumati Ka Kunba’ (I.N.D.I.A alliance), but then started ‘Ekla Chalo Re’ (walking alone). The Congress members have learned the new trade of motor mechanics, so they must have understood what alignment means. But what I see is that the alignment of the (I.N.D.I.A) alliance itself has gone awry. When they don’t have trust in each other within their own alliance, how can they have faith in the country?

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

We have faith in the capability of our nation, and we trust in the power of the people.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

When the people of the country first gave us the opportunity to serve, we spent a considerable amount of time and energy during our first term, filling the potholes that existed during the time of the previous UPA government. We kept filling those potholes during our first term. In our second term, we laid the foundation of a new Bharat, and in our third term, we will accelerate the construction of ‘Viksit Bharat’.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

In our first term, we advanced numerous public welfare initiatives such as Swachh Bharat, Ujjwala, Ayushman Bharat, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, Sugamya Bharat, Digital India…We transformed many pro-people projects into campaigns. We made the tax system easier with decisions like GST. The public supported us wholeheartedly upon seeing these initiatives. They blessed us with even more support than before. Then, our second term began. The second term was about fulfilling promises and commitments. In our second term, we witnessed the completion of achievements that the country had been waiting for a long time. We all saw the abrogation of Article 370. With the power of the votes of Hon’ble MPs, Article 370 was abolished. The Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, a law empowering women, was enacted in the second term.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

From space to the Olympics, from powerful forces to Parliament, the echo of ‘Nari Shakti’ (women’s power) is being heard. Today, the country has witnessed the empowerment of ‘Nari Shakti’.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

From north to south, east to west, people have witnessed decades-old and stalled projects being completed in a timely manner.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

We have progressed from archaic laws under British rule, which were punitive in nature, to the modern justice system. Our government has abolished hundreds of such laws that had become irrelevant. More than 40,000 compliances have been eliminated by the government.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Bharat has envisioned the future progress through initiatives like “Amrit Bharat” and “Namo Bharat” trains.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The villages and the millions of people across the country have witnessed the ‘Sankalp Yatra’ of ‘Viksit Bharat’, and the effort put behind achieving saturation, ensuring that everyone receives what they rightfully deserve, and making efforts to reach out and provide at their doorstep is something the country is witnessing for the first time.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Lord Ram not only returned to his home but a great temple was constructed that will rejuvenate Bharat’s great cultural heritage with new energy.

And Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Now, the third term of our government is not too far away. There are about 100-125 days left. And this time, the Modi government, the entire country is saying, “This time, it’s the Modi government,” even Kharge ji is saying, “This time, it’s the Modi government.” But, Mr Speaker Sir, I usually don’t get caught up in numbers and statistics. But I can see the mood of the nation; it will ensure that the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) crosses the 400-mark. However, the Bharatiya Janata Party will surely get 370 seats. BJP will get 370 seats and NDA will cross 400.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Our third term will witness monumental decisions. I had said it from the Red Fort, and I reiterated it during the consecration ceremony of the Ram Temple. I said – I want to see the country prospering and reaching the pinnacle of success for the next thousand years. The third term will be dedicated to laying a strong foundation for the 1,000 years.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I have great confidence for the people of Bharat and their future. I have immense faith in the capabilities of our 1.4 billion citizens. Over the past 10 years, 25 crore people have emerged from poverty, which demonstrates this capability.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I have always said that if the poor are provided with tools, resources and dignity, our poor people have the capability to overcome poverty. We have chosen that path, and my poor brothers and sisters have demonstrated their ability to overcome poverty. With this mindset, we have provided them with tools, resources, dignity, and self-respect. Today, 50 crore poor people have bank accounts, something they could never have imagined before. About four crore poor families have a solid roof over their heads, which gives them a new sense of dignity. More than 11 crore families have access to clean drinking water through taps. Over 55 crore poor people have received Ayushman Bharat cards. If there is any illness in the family, they will not fall back into poverty. They have faith that no matter what illness strikes, Modi is there for them. Free grain facilities have been provided to 80 crore people.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Modi took care of those whom no one had ever cared before. For the first time in the country, consideration was given to the street vendors. Through the PM SVANidhi scheme, they have now come out of the cycle of interest, taking loans from banks and expanding their businesses. For the first time in the country, consideration was given to the skill of hands, which have the capability to build the nation as well, my fellow Vishwakarma friends. We have provided modern tools, modern training, financial assistance to them and also helped open up the global market for them. For the first time in the country, we have also thought about the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG), our brothers and sisters who are extremely marginalized, whose numbers are very few, and who are not noticed in terms of votes. But we are beyond the vote, we are connected by hearts. That is why, for the PVTG communities, the PM JANMAN Yojana has been initiated to work towards their welfare. Moreover, the villages at the border, which were left untouched as the last villages, we have transformed those last villages into the first villages and completely changed the direction of development.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

When I repeatedly advocate for Millets, I talk about Millets in the world and serve it with pride in front of the leaders of the G-20 countries. Behind it and in my heart are more than 3 crore small farmers who cultivate Millets, and their well-being is something we are connected to.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

When I advocate for Vocal for Local, when I talk about Make in India, I think about the welfare of millions of families connected to it, including crores of household industries, small industries, and cottage industries.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The Congress party had forgotten Khadi, (previous) governments had forgotten it. Today, I have successfully moved forward in empowering Khadi because the lives of millions of weavers are associated with Khadi. I am concerned about their welfare.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Our government is making various efforts in every corner of the country to eradicate poverty, to make the poor prosperous. For those for whom the vote bank was everything, their welfare was not possible. Their welfare is the welfare of the nation for us, and that’s why we have embarked on this path.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The Congress party, the UPA government, have not done any justice to the OBC (Other Backward Classes) community; they have committed injustice. These people have left no stone unturned in insulting OBC leaders. A few days ago, when Bharat Ratna was awarded to Karpoori Thakur ji, we honoured him. But think about the treatment meted out to Karpoori Thakur, the great man from the OBC community. How he was treated unjustly. When he became the Chief Minister of Bihar in 1970, what kind of games were played to remove him from office. What was not done to destabilize his government?

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The Congress party did not tolerate leaders from the extremely backward classes. In 1987, when the Congress party’s flag was flying high across the country and they were in power everywhere, they refused to accept Karpoori Thakur as the opposition leader and gave the reason that he could not respect the Constitution. The same Karpoori Thakur who dedicated his entire life to the principles of democracy, who stood firm for the ideals of the Constitution, was insulted by the Congress party.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

These days, our Congress colleagues express a lot of concern about the number of people from the backward classes in the government, where they are positioned, and constantly keep track of it. But I am surprised they don’t seem to notice the biggest OBC. They close their eyes to it.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Let me tell those who rake up these issues. During the time of the UPA, an extra-constitutional body was created, in front of which the government had no say. Just check the National Advisory Council, was there any OBC in it? Just take a look. Such a powerful body was created, and they were making appointments there.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

In the past 10 years, several steps have been taken towards empowering women. Efforts have been made to empower society under the leadership of women.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Nowadays, there is no sector in Bharat where the doors are closed for the country’s daughters. Today, our country’s daughters are flying fighter jets and also keeping our country’s borders secure.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

In our rural economy, our 10 crore sisters are connected with Women Self Help Groups and are engaged in economic activities. They are providing new strength to the rural economy, and I am happy to say that as a result of these efforts, nearly one crore sisters have become ‘Lakhpati Didis’ in our country today. When I talk to them and see their self-confidence, I am firmly convinced that in our upcoming term, we will witness 3 crore ‘Lakhpati Didis’ in our country. You can imagine how significant a change will occur in the rural economy.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The perception regarding daughters in our country, which used to be deeply ingrained in society and minds, is changing rapidly today. If we look closely, we will realize how significant and positive this change is. In the past, when a daughter was born, discussions revolved around how to manage the expenses, how to educate her, and what her future would be like. It was seen as a burden, and such discussions were common. Today, when a daughter is born, the question is asked whether a Sukanya Samriddhi Account has been opened for her or not. This change is remarkable.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Earlier, the question used to be whether a woman could continue working after getting pregnant. It was believed that once pregnant, she wouldn’t be able to work. Today, the scenario has changed. Now, it is said that you can take a 26-week paid leave, and even after that, if you need more time off, you will get it. This is a significant change. Previously, society would question why a woman wanted to work despite being married. Questions would arise about whether her husband’s salary was insufficient, and so on. Today, people are asking, “Madam, your start-up is doing so well. Can I get a job there?” This change is remarkable.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Once upon a time, the question was asked, “Your daughter is getting older, when will she get married?” Today, the question asked is, “How well does your daughter balance both personal and professional responsibilities? How does she manage it?” 

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Once upon a time, it was asked in the household whether the head of the household was present or not. “Call the head of the family”, it used to be said. Today, when you visit someone’s home, the bills for electricity, water, and gas come in the name of the woman of the house. It’s my mothers and sisters who have taken on the role of the head of the family. This change has been brought about. And this change is part of our resolve for the development of ‘Viksit Bharat’ in the ‘Amrit Kaal’, and I am witnessing the emergence of this as a great force, and I am seeing the manifestation of that power.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I have witnessed a habit of shedding tears for the farmers. This country has seen how farmers’ trust has been betrayed in various ways. During the Congress era, the annual budget for agriculture was only 25,000 crore rupees. Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir, our government’s budget is 1.25 lakh crore rupees.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The Congress party (government) had purchased rice and wheat from farmers worth 7 lakh crore rupees during its 10-year tenure. In our 10 years, we have purchased rice and wheat worth nearly 18 lakh crore rupees. The Congress government hardly purchased lentils and sesame seeds, if at all. We have purchased lentils and sesame seeds worth more than 1.25 lakh crore rupees. Our Congress colleagues made fun of the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme, and when I launched this scheme in my first term, I remember the false narrative which was spread. They used to visit villages and say “Don’t take Modi’s money. When he wins the election once, he will ask for all the money back with interest.” Such a lie was spread. An attempt was made to make the farmers fool.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

We sent Rs. 2 lakh 80 thousand crore under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme. Rs. 1.5 lakh crore has been given to my farmer brothers and sisters as against the premium of Rs. 30,000 rupees under the PM Fasal Bima Yojana. During the Congress rule, there was never any recognition or concern for fishermen or livestock farmers. For the first time in this country, a separate ministry was created for fishermen; a separate ministry for animal husbandry was created. For the first time, a farmer credit card was given to livestock farmers and fishermen, so that they could get money from the bank at a low interest rate and expand their business. For the farmers and fishermen, this concern is not only for animals, it is an important part of life. These animals also play a very important role in running the economic cycle. We have administered more than 50 crore vaccinations to save our animals from Foot and Mouth Disease, which was never thought of before.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Today, there are more new opportunities for youth than ever before in the country. The entire vocabulary has changed; words that were never heard before are now commonplace in conversations around the world. Today, the buzz of start-ups is everywhere, and unicorns are being discussed. Digital creators form a significant group today. The discussion today revolves around the green economy. This new vocabulary of the new Bharat is on the lips of the youth. These are the new environments of the new economic empire, a new identity. These sectors are creating millions of new opportunities for employment for the youth. Before 2014, the size of the digital economy was negligible, and it was hardly discussed. Today, Bharat leads in the world’s digital economy. Millions of youths are connected to it, and in the coming times, the Digital India Movement will bring numerous employment opportunities for the country’s youth and various professionals.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Today, Made in India phones are reaching the world. We have become number 2 in the world. On one hand, there is the availability of cheap mobile phones, and on the other hand, there is cheap data. Because of these two factors, there has been a huge revolution in the country and the world. At the price at which we are providing these mobile phones and data to our youth today, this has become a reason for this revolution. Today, the country is witnessing the Make in India campaign, record manufacturing and record exports.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

These are the jobs that bring the most employment opportunities for our youth, creating the most job opportunities.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

There has been an unprecedented leap in the tourism sector in the last 10 years. In our country, tourism is such a sector that offers employment opportunities to maximum people with minimal capital investment. Even an ordinary person has the opportunity to find employment in this sector. The tourism sector holds the highest potential for self-employment. In the last 10 years, the number of airports has doubled. Bharat has not just built airports; it has become the world’s third-largest domestic aviation sector, the third-largest in the world. We should all be happy; the Indian airlines have placed orders for 1,000 new aircraft, 1,000 new aircraft in the country! And when so many airplanes are in operation, how vibrant all the airports will be. How many pilots, crew members, engineers, ground service personnel will be needed—meaning, new areas of employment are opening up. The aviation sector has emerged as a very big new opportunity for Bharat.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

We are striving to strengthen the economy by taking strong steps. We want youth to find jobs and also have social security. Based on these two aspects and on our own principles, we make decisions. In the EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation), there have been about 18 crore new subscribers in the past 10 years, without any fake names involved. There are 8 crore people among those who have obtained Mudra loans, who have started their business for the first time in their lives. And when they take a Mudra loan, they not only secure employment for themselves but also provide employment to one or two more people because of the nature of their work. We have supported millions of street vendors. There are 10 crore women connected to such occupations. And as I said, we will soon see three crore ‘Lakhpati Didis’ within our country.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

There are some figures that only an economist understands, it is not like that. An ordinary person can comprehend them too. In the 10 years before 2014, the budget for infrastructure construction was approximately 12 lakh crore rupees. In those 10 years, it was 12 lakh crore rupees. In the past 10 years, the budget for infrastructure construction has been 44 lakh crore rupees. This indicates how employment increases. One can understand from this figure.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

You can estimate the number of people who have found employment due to this amount. We are making Bharat a hub for manufacturing, research, and innovation, encouraging the country’s youth in this direction. We are developing systems, creating economic assistance programs.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

We have always been dependent on the energy sector. There is a need to do a lot in the direction of self-reliance in the energy sector, especially towards green energy and hydrogen, where we are moving forward in a significant way with unprecedented investment. Another sector where Bharat needs to lead is semiconductors. Previous governments made efforts, but not much success was achieved. Now, in the situation we are in, I confidently say that despite the setbacks of the past three decades, the future belongs to us. I see unprecedented investment in the semiconductor sector, and Bharat will make a significant contribution to the world. For all these reasons, Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir, the possibilities of quality jobs are going to increase significantly, and that’s why we have established a separate Skill Ministry so that the youth of the country can acquire skills and get such opportunities. We are working towards advancing in the direction of Industry 4.0, preparing the manpower for it.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

A lot has been said about inflation here. I definitely wish that some truth should come before the country. History bears witness, whenever Congress comes to power, inflation follows. I want to say something in this House today. I do not want to criticize anyone, but those who do not understand what we say; they should try to understand the voice of their own leaders. It was said sometime and by someone, I will tell you his name later. “Because the price of everything has increased, trouble has spread, and the common people are stuck in it.” Whose statement of fact is this? This was said by our Pandit Nehru ji from the Red Fort at that time. “Because the price of everything has increased, trouble has spread, and the common people are stuck in it,” this statement is from that time. He acknowledged from the Red Fort that inflation has increased everywhere. Now, after 10 years of this statement, after 10 years of Nehru ji’s statement, let me present another quote before you. I’m repeating the quote. “You are still facing some difficulties, problems, because of inflation. There is some helplessness; the situation is not completely under control, although it will be under control soon”. Even after 10 years, the same song of inflation was sung, and who said this again? It was Nehru ji who said it during his tenure as the Prime Minister of the country. He had been the Prime Minister for 12 years by then, but inflation was not coming under control. “You are facing difficulties because of inflation”, this was the song they kept singing.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Now I am reading another part of the speech. “When the country progresses, to some extent prices also rise, we also need to see how to control the prices of essential commodities.” Who said this? It was said by Indira Gandhi ji. When she had locked all the doors in the country, people were put in jail in 1974; there was 30 per cent inflation, 30 per cent!

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

What she said in the speech will astonish you. She said, “If there is no land, meaning if there is no land for cultivation, then grow vegetables in your pots and containers.” Such advice was given by people occupying high positions. There were two songs about inflation that became super hits at that time in our country. They were sung everywhere. One was ‘Mehangai Mar Gayee’ and the other was ‘Mehngai Dayain Khaye Jaat Hai’. And both of these songs came during the Congress regime.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

During the UPA’s tenure, inflation was in double digits, there was double-digit inflation, this cannot be denied. And the UPA government’s argument was … insensitive! It was said that if you can afford to eat expensive ice cream, then why are you crying about inflation? This was said. Whenever Congress came to power, it only strengthened inflation.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Our government has consistently kept inflation under control. Despite the two wars and the biggest crisis (in the form of Corona) in 100 years, we have managed to control inflation, and we have succeeded.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

A lot of anger was expressed here. As much as possible, the anger was expressed in strong words. I understand their pain. I understand their frustration and anger because the arrow has hit the target. Agencies are taking action on corruption. There is so much anger regarding that, and certain words are being used.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

What used to be discussed in our Parliament 10 years ago? The entire time in the House was dedicated to discussions on scams. The debate used to be on corruption. There was a constant demand for action. The House kept demanding action, action and action. That era was a stain on the country. The news related to corruption was everywhere, and it used to be every day. And today, when action is being taken against corrupt individuals, people create a ruckus in their support.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

During their time, agencies were only used for political purposes. They were not allowed to do any other work. Now, look at what happened during their regime. Under the PMLA Act, we have registered more than double the number of cases compared to before. During the Congress era, the Enforcement Directorate seized assets worth 5,000 crore rupees. During our tenure, the ED has seized assets worth 1 lakh crores rupees. This loot of the country’s wealth has to be returned. When so many assets are seized, stacks of currency notes are seized … Adhir Babu comes from Bengal, he has seen the stack of currency notes. From whose houses these seizures were made, from which states the assets were seized? The country is shocked to see these stacks of currency notes. But now you cannot fool the people, the people are watching. There was a talk of corruption worth 10-15 lakh crore rupees during the UPA government.

We have exposed scams worth lakhs of crores, and we have put all that money to work for the poor, for the welfare of the poor. Now, it has become very difficult for middlemen to loot the poor. We have recognised the power of the Direct Benefit Transfer, Jan Dhan accounts, Aadhaar, and Mobile. We have directly transferred more than 30 lakh crore rupees into people’s accounts. And a Prime Minister of the Congress had said that if one rupee is sent from the Centre, only 15 paise reach the beneficiaries. If I calculate according to that statement, then the 30 lakh crore rupees that we have sent … if that era had prevailed, how much money would have been embezzled, calculate that. Only 15 per cent of this amount would have reached the people. Where would the rest of the money have gone?

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

We have removed 10 crore fake names. Now people ask why the numbers have decreased. You had created such a system under your administration that even if a daughter was not born, she would receive a widow’s pension from your office. And the trouble that exists now, it is because of these things. Their daily income has stopped.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

We have saved nearly 3 lakh crore rupees from falling into the wrong hands by removing these fake names, by preventing them from going into the wrong hands. We have devoted our lives to saving every penny of the country’s taxpayers and investing it in the right work.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

All political parties need to think and should be concerned about those in society. It’s unfortunate for the country that in the past, if someone stole or copied in the classroom, they wouldn’t show their face to anyone for at least 10 days. Today, those who have been accused of corruption and who have served time in jail and are now out on parole, are being glorified in public life. Where do you want to take this country? Those who have been punished … I understand that you can have doubts about the allegations against them, but for those who have been proven guilty, who have served or are serving their sentences, you glorify them. What culture is this and what inspiration do you want to give to the future generations of this country? What kind of compulsion is leading you to do this? Those people are being glorified and touted as great people. Where the rule of the Constitution prevails, where there is democracy, such things cannot go on for long, Mr Speaker, Sir. These people should keep that in mind. Those who are glorifying such people are signing their own end with their own hands.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

Investigation is the job of the agencies. Agencies are independent, and the Constitution has kept them independent. The job of judging is that of the judges, and they are doing their job. And Mr Speaker Sir, I want to reiterate in this august House once again, no matter how much oppression is inflicted upon me, the fight against corruption will continue. Those who have looted the country will have to return the money. I promise this to the nation from this august House. Make allegations against whosoever you want, but the country will not be allowed to be looted, and those who have looted will have to return what they have taken.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

The country is realizing the importance of security and peace. Compared to the last decade, today the nation is truly fortified in the realm of security. Terrorism and Naxalism have been largely contained. In fact, Bharat’s policy of zero tolerance towards terrorism is now compelling the entire world to follow suit. The prowess of Bharat’s armed forces, from the borders to the seas, is evident today. We should take pride in our army’s valour. No matter how hard some politicians try to undermine their morale, I have faith in my armed forces. I have seen their capabilities. Some politicians may speak lightly of the armed forces, but I believe my country’s armed forces will not be demoralized. Those who dream of dividing the country, using language that aims to break the morale of our soldiers … The country will never accept such attempts. What satisfaction do you find in breaking the country into pieces? You have already broken the nation into so many fragments, and yet you want to continue doing so. How long will you keep breaking it?

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

If there used to be discussions about Kashmir in this very House, there used to be concern, there would be accusations and counter-accusations. Today, there is talk of unprecedented development in Jammu and Kashmir, and it is being celebrated with pride. Tourism is continuously increasing. When there is a G20 summit held there, the entire world now praises it. Article 370 was kept alive, creating chaos. The way the people of Kashmir have embraced the abrogation of Article 370 … who had created this problem? Who had thrust this problem to the nation? Who had created such a rift within the Indian Constitution?

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

If we mention Nehru ji’s name, they feel bad, but the problems Kashmir had to endure, the root of it was his thinking, and the consequence of it had to be borne by this country. The people of Jammu and Kashmir, the people of this country have had to pay a very big price for Nehru ji’s mistakes.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

They may have made mistakes, but our efforts to rectify those mistakes will continue even after enduring hardships. We are not going to stop. We are people who have set out to work for the country. For us, the nation comes first.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I would like to appeal to all the leaders of political parties, all Hon’ble members, that a significant opportunity has come for Bharat. In the global context, a great opportunity has arisen for Bharat, an opportunity to move forward with new self-confidence. Politics has its place, allegations and counter-allegations have their place, but there is nothing greater than the country. Therefore, let’s come together, shoulder to shoulder, and move forward for the development of the nation. While politics has its role, there is no hindrance to progressing in nation-building even while being in politics. Do not abandon this path. I am seeking your support, seeking your support for the well-being of Mother India. I am seeking your support to harness the opportunities that are in the world. I want your cooperation to make the lives of 140 crore citizens prosperous and happy. But if you cannot support me directly, and if your hands are tied to just throwing stones, then write it down, I will use every stone of yours to strengthen the foundation of a ‘Viksit Bharat’. I will put in every effort to strengthen the foundation of the dreams of ‘Viksit Bharat’ that we are carrying forward, and we will lead the country towards prosperity. Throw as many stones as you want, I will use every stone of yours in the work of developing the dreams of Bharat, prosperous Bharat, and ‘Viksit Bharat’. I assure you this too.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

I understand the difficulties of my (opposition) friends. But whatever they say, I don’t get upset, nor should I. Because I know they are entitled to speak, while we are the ones who work. And it’s only natural for workers to listen to those who only speak. So let them say whatever they want, they have the inherent right to speak, and we workers have to listen. We will continue to listen and strive to lead the country forward.

Hon’ble Mr Speaker Sir,

You’ve given me the opportunity to reply to the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address in this august House. With gratitude towards the Motion of Thanks for supporting the Hon’ble President’s Address, I now conclude my speech.


DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of PM’s speech. Original speech was delivered in Hindi.

