Current Affairs

Department of Posts: Committed to Swachhata, Good Governance, for promoting Cleanliness and disposal of pending references as part of Special Campaign 4.0 of the Government of India

Department of Posts: Committed to Swachhata, Good Governance, for promoting Cleanliness and disposal of pending references as part of Special Campaign 4.0 of the Government of India

The Government of India has released guidelines to implement the Special Campaign 4.0 from 2nd October to 31st October, 2024, in order to achieve the goals of institutionalizing Swachhata and reducing pendency in Government offices. Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) is the Nodal Agency for the special campaign as in the previous three years. The Department of Posts would actively participate in the programme and has circulated the guidelines of Special Campaign 4.0 amongst its 23 Circle Offices for Cleanliness and disposal of pending matters from 2nd – 31st October, 2024.

Department of Posts conducted Special Campaign 3.0 for cleanliness and good governance during the same period in 2023. The Campaign was continued for each of the months subsequently from November 2023 to August 2024.

The Department would step up its efforts to mobilize all field units and staff for Swachhata and Service oriented activities during the Special Campaign 4.0 in October 2024. The world Post Day and National Postal Week will also be celebrated during the campaign period from 7 October 2024. Over 5000 Dak Chaupals and various “Jan Bhagidaari” initiatives are planned during the period.

The Department has an enduring commitment to improve the service environment for customers and working environment for its employees. It has adopted several green practices and put its limited resources to innovative use in the quest to improve the service experience associated with India Post.

Achievements of Special Campaign 3.0

The Special Campaign 3.0 was implemented both at the Postal Headquarters in Dak Bhawan and all field sub post offices and branch post offices spread across the length and breadth of the country, covering the remotest corner from 2 to 31 October, 2023. Some of the achievements during the Special Campaign, continued during the subsequent period till August 2024 are as follows:

Best Practices implemented in this period:

Next steps:

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