Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation to participate in Special Campaign 4.0 from 2nd October – 31st October, 2024 for promoting Swachhta and disposal of pending references
Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation to participate in Special Campaign 4.0 from 2nd October – 31st October, 2024 for promoting Swachhta and disposal of pending references
The Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DDWS), Ministry of Jal Shakti, has initiated the preparatory phase of the Special Campaign 4.0 from 16th September 2024, in order to promote Swachhata and disposal of pending references. The Department would be participating in the Campaign from 2nd October – 31st October 2024, as per Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) guidelines on fulfilling the objective of institutionalising Swachhta and minimising pendency in Government Offices.
DDWS participated in the Special Campaign 3.0 for disposal of pending references and promoting Swachhta during the period from 2nd October – 31st October, 2023 in its secretariat and at the field office under its administrative control. During the implementation Phase of the Special Campaign 3.0, pendency in various categories such as VIP References, IMC Reference, State Government Reference, PMO References, Public Grievances and PG Appeals were disposed of efficiently and identified files were reviewed. As a result of special campaign, space of 651 square feet had been freed and a revenue of ₹ 4,04,000 (four lakh four thousand rupees) had been generated. The achievements made during the campaign were uploaded on the SCDPM Portal created by the DARPG, regularly. Social media was also involved for publicity of the campaign.
The efforts under Special Campaign 3.0 were continued post campaign throughout the year and the highlights of the achievements in terms of disposal of files and pending matters are as follows:
(i) A total of 21 VIP references had been disposed during the period of 01.11.2023 to 31.07.2024 and 14 State Government References also have been disposed.
(ii) During the period from 01.11.2023 to 31.08.2024, 11587 Public Grievances out of 11934 have been disposed off, with an average disposal time of 6 days, along with 92 Public Grievances Appeals also have been disposed off.
(iii) Under the Record Management work, 144 physical files have been weeded out, out of 182 files which were put up for the review. 19 E-files were also closed.