Current Affairs

Customs Brokers Licensing Examination, 2025 is scheduled to be held on 18.03.2025

Customs Brokers Licensing Examination, 2025 is scheduled to be held on 18.03.2025

In reference to the advertisement published in national newspapers on 31.08.2024 regarding the online written examination, the Customs Brokers Licensing Examination, 2025 is scheduled to be held on 18.03.2025.

The pattern of the written and oral examinations will be as follows:

Other details are as follows:

No. of questions



Time duration


Two and half hours (10:30 hrs to 13:00 hrs)

Marking scheme


+3 for each correct answer

-1 for each incorrect answer

Maximum marks



Qualifying marks


270 (60%)


Those qualifying in the written examination will have to appear in oral examination in terms of Regulation 6 of the Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations, 2018, as amended. The pass percentage marks for qualifying in the oral examination will be 60%.

For any query, please visit the websites ( and or contact the nearest Customs Commissionerate/ NACIN, Palasamudram @ e-mail ID- cblr-nacinpsm[at]gov[dot]in.

Visitor Counter : 1067