Current Affairs



The third edition of the Station Commanders’ Workshop of the Indian Navy is scheduled from 18-20 Mar 24 at New Delhi. After the successful conduct of two such Workshops INS Hamla at Mumbai (Southern Naval Command) and INS Circars (Eastern Naval Command), the venue shifts to New Delhi, where more than 100 Station Commanders, Unit Heads and Commanding Officers will brainstorm and exchange bright ideas for improving the overall administration of all naval station spread across the length and breadth of the country including the island territories of Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Salient features of the Workshop include professional presentations by NHQ staff, Command HQ staff  and Station Commanders including participation of Naval Welfare and Wellness Association (NWWA). There will be a special session on Early Intervention Centres (EICs) of Indian Navy. An initiative of NWWA, Early Intervention Centre Addresses early detection and intervention of developmental delays in children between 0-6 years. Thus providing timely professional intervention at a very early stage enables them to be a part of mainstream education. EICs are present in all three commands, Delhi and Karwar. The meeting will be chaired by Vice Admiral Gurcharan Singh, Controller of Personnel Services (CPS) with the opening and closing address being delivered by Admiral Hari Kumar, the Chief of Naval Staff.


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