New Delhi 16 November 2024: Lok Sabha Speaker Shri Om Birla today said that Comptroller & Auditor General (C&AG) has played a key role in fostering accountability, transparency and good governance in the country. Lauding the exemplary role played by C&AG in independent India, Shri Birla said that its rich legacy spanning 161 years has continuously evolved to meet emerging challenges. He noted that C&AG has not only transformed its auditing systems but has also introduced new innovations which has ensured that its work is marked by credibility and authenticity.
आज 4th लेखा परीक्षा (ऑडिट) दिवस के अवसर पर माननीय लोक सभा अध्यक्ष श्री ओम बिरला ने दिल्ली स्थित सीएजी कार्यालय में आयोजित कार्यक्रम को संबोधित किया।
“CAG हमारी लोकतांत्रिक संरचना का प्रमुख भाग है, जिसने यह सुनिश्चित किया है कि सार्वजनिक धन का उपयोग नागरिकों के कल्याण और राष्ट्र… pic.twitter.com/d9dcLvZUks
“CAG ने पिछले कुछ समय में कई सकारात्मक पहल की हैं, तथा आज विश्व की अग्रणी लेखा परीक्षा प्रणालियों में प्रतिष्ठित है। नई प्रौद्योगिकी और नवाचार के साथ वित्तीय अनुशासन की दिशा में हमारी ऑडिट प्रणाली में हो रहे निरंतर बदलाव सुखद हैं।”
~ माननीय लोक सभा अध्यक्ष श्री ओम बिरला
(ऑडिट… pic.twitter.com/zvOsv06UcF
Addressing the gathering on the occasion of 4th Audit Diwas in New Delhi today, Shri Birla mentioned that Members of Parliament discuss and scrutinise each and every para of audit reports to ensure that public money is spent judiciously. He said that the audit of the government’s performance holds the executive accountable to the public. He observed that strong fiscal discipline lays the foundation of a robust democracy adding that C&AG is contributing purposely in this direction to ensure effective functioning of our democracy.
ऑडिट का कार्य अपने आप में समावेशी है। किसी विभाग की कार्य कुशलता, दक्षता और कार्योत्पादकता बढ़ाने में ऑडिट मार्गदर्शक की तरह है। इसी के साथ देश में सकारात्मक – सामाजिक परिवर्तन लाने में ऑडिट की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका है। pic.twitter.com/OF7DEzlTQb
Shri Birla congratulated the C&AG on successfully hosting the ASOSAI General Assembly and taking over the presidency of ASOSAI for the term 2024-2027. He noted that it is a significant achievement and a testament to the high credibility of the C&AG of India among the supreme audit institutions across the world.
Shri Birla mentioned that officials from countries around the world come to study India’s audit system and learn from it. He informed that through the efforts of the Parliamentary Research and Training Institute for Democracies (PRIDE) of Lok Sabha Secretariat, officials from more than 50 countries have visited PRIDE to gain a deeper understanding of our audit systems. Shri Birla was happy to note that C&AG is leading the way globally in adapting to emerging challenges through use of technology and innovation.
“दुनिया के कई देश आज हमारी लेखा परीक्षा प्रणाली से सीखने के लिए भारत आते हैं। यह हमारी लेखा प्रणाली की प्रामाणिकता दर्शाता है।”
-लोकसभा अध्यक्ष, Shri @ombirlakota pic.twitter.com/i0lZGEmmJU
Discussing the role of the Parliamentary Committees, particularly the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Shri Birla noted that Hon. Members of Parliament discuss audit reports minutely in parliamentary committees and these discussions have played a crucial role in ensuring financial transparency and discipline. He also highlighted the parliamentary tradition of nominating a senior Member of the Opposition as Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. He added that such traditions are the strength of Indian democracy as they ensure that our audit system remains impartial and transparent.
भारत के लोकतंत्र में वित्तीय अनुशासन और पारदर्शिता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए हमारी यह परम्परा रही है कि संसद की लोक लेखा समिति का चेयरपर्सन प्रतिपक्ष का सदस्य ही नियुक्त किया जाता है। pic.twitter.com/Qiq8HUeNgb
Recalling that earlier, audit was seen as mere criticism, Shri Birla noted that its ambit has now expanded exponentially. He observed that wherever audit systems have been strengthened and made accountable, financial discipline and transparency have followed.
Shri Birla noted that in the changing times, new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence are being adopted to make our systems even more robust and effective. Shri Birla expressed hope that in the future, the C&AG would continue to play a crucial role in guiding other institutions and departments in the country to improve their efficiency.