NCBC asks Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal to appear and depose before it on March 15, 2024
NCBC asks Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal to appear and depose before it on March 15, 2024
The Hearing in the matter of inclusion of castes/communities in Central List of OBCs for the State of West Bengal for the purposes of Article 15(4) and Article 16(4) of the Constitution of India for admission in educational institutions and for appointments for posts in the public services under the control of Government of West Bengal excluding creamy layer amongst them was fixed on 03.11.2023, 22.12.2023, 16.01.2024, 08.02.2024 and 21.02.2024 with Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal. However on five occasions, Chief Secretary Government of West Bengal did not appear before the Hon’ble Commission.
Already five opportunities have been given to the State Government on their own request. The Commission is of the considered view that Chief Secretary deliberately has disobeyed the summons issued. The Commission has expressed deepest dissatisfaction and displeasure for non-attendance of Chief Secretary before the the Commission despite of providing sufficient opportunities for personal appearance. However, it is primary duty of officers holding high positions to adherence to the values and ethics enshrined in the Constitution of India. The Commission is of the considered view that the State Government of West Bengal did not maintain the sanctity of the Constitution.
The National Commission for Backward Classes has once again given opportunity to appear and depose before the Commission on 15.03.2024 at 12.30PM at Court Room of the National Commission for Backward Classes, Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066. Chief Secretary Government of West Bengal is also allowed to depose before the Commission virtually in Video Conference mode on stipulated date and time.
The Commission has decided, if this time, Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal fails to appear before the Commission, Chief Secretary shall be subjected to the consequences of non-attendance laid down in Rule 12 of Order XVI of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.