ICAT, Manesar awards the First PLI- Automotive Certificate to OLA Electric Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
ICAT, Manesar awards the First PLI- Automotive Certificate to OLA Electric Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT), Manesar, one of the divisions of National Automotive Board (NAB)- under Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI), Govt. of India has awarded its first PLI – Automotive Certificate to M/s. Ola Electric Technologies Pvt. Ltd. under the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme of MHI for Automobiles and Auto Components.
The certificate was handed over by Dr. Hanif Qureshi, Additional Secretary – MHI to Dr. S.J. Dhinagar, Head of Engineering & Sr. VP- Ola Electric, in the presence of Shri Saurabh Dalela, Director-ICAT & senior officials from MHI, ICAT and M/s. Ola Electric.
M/s. Ola Electric’s Battery Electric Vehicle – 2W [Ola S1 Pro (Gen2)] met the criteria of DVA of 50% (min.) for the Automotive PLI certificate, demonstrating their commitment to the indigenization of advanced automotive technology products.
They have received this certificate from ICAT showcasing their dedication to the ‘Make in Bharat’ Abhiyan and strengthening the domestic production ecosystem.
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Government introduced the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 to realize the goal of Green Mobility. This plan sets out the goals and time frame for the nation to manufacture and adopt Electric Vehicles.
With the vision of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat and to make India as a self-reliant nation, MHI, under the leadership of Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Union Minister of Heavy Industries had launched the PLI Scheme for Automobile and Auto Component Industry in 2021 with a budgetary outlay of Rs. 25,938 crore. This revolutionary Scheme aims to boost local production of Advanced Automotive Technology (AAT) products and attract investments in the automotive manufacturing value chain.
The SOP issued by MHI in April 2023, facilitated a smooth application process with necessary formats to be uploaded through the portal of Ministry of Heavy Industries by eligible applicants, including Champion OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and Component Champions.
This milestone achievement depicts the progress being made in the Indian automotive industry towards localized production of advanced automotive technology products and incentivizing investments in the automotive sector.
ICAT is in process of evaluation & assessment of PLI-Auto applications of other applicants. Very soon these companies will also receive PLI-Auto Certificates from ICAT, Manesar.
About ICAT, Manesar:
International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT) was established in year 2006. It is one of the divisions of National Automotive Board (NAB), under Ministry of Heavy Industries, Govt. of India. ICAT has been notified by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) in Rule 126 of Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR) for Testing & Certification of Automobiles and their Safety Critical Components. Also, ICAT has been authorized by MHI for PLI-Auto Certification of AAT Products and FAME Certification. ICAT is one of the pioneer Testing Agency for providing quality services in the domain of Automotive Certification, Homologation, Design, Validation, R&D, PLI-Auto Certification, FAME Certification etc.