A total 67,461 Estampages of Indian epigraphs have been taken up under BharatSHRI project by Archaeological Survey of India. Out of these 29,260 estampages have been digitized.
No separate budget has been allocated for the project and the expenditure is incurred through the allocated funds to Archaeological Survey of India.
Archaeological Survey of India collects inscriptions from different parts of the country through meticulous village to village surveys, undertaken by team of epigraphists. The estampages of the inscriptions are then studied and preserved in the various Epigraphy branches. The information is disseminated through publications such as Annual Report on Indian Epigraphy, brochures and booklets like “Indian Archaeology- A Reviewā€¯, every year.
Archaeological Survey of India, being the custodian of the epigraphic wealth of the nation, has taken up the project by itself.
This information was given by Union Minister for Culture, Tourism And Development of North Eastern Region Shri G.Kishan Reddy in Rajya Sabha today.