DGGI detects 1,700 fraudulent ITC cases involving Rs. 18,000 crore with 98 arrests in Financial Year 2023-24 (up to December 2023)
DGGI detects 1,700 fraudulent ITC cases involving Rs. 18,000 crore with 98 arrests in Financial Year 2023-24 (up to December 2023)
In the current Financial Year 2023-24 (up to December 2023), 1,700 fake ITC cases involving Rs. 18,000 crore have been detected and 98 fraudsters/masterminds have been apprehended by the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI).
In the current financial year, the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) has laid special emphasis to identify and apprehend the masterminds of fake Input Tax Credit (ITC) and disrupting syndicates, operating across the country. DGGI has unraveled cases using data analysis aided by advanced technical tools which led to the arrest of tax evaders. These tax syndicates often use gullible persons and enticed them with job / commission / bank loan etc. to extract their Know Your Customers (KYC) documents which were then used for creation of fake / shell firms / companies without their knowledge and consent.
In some cases, KYC method was used with the knowledge of the concerned person by paying them small pecuniary benefits.
The following cases were detected by DGGI during the period: