Current Affairs

1318 number of stations have been identified for development/redevelopment under Amrit Bharat Station scheme

1318 number of stations have been identified for development/redevelopment under Amrit Bharat Station scheme

Ministry of Railways has launched ‘Amrit Bharat Station scheme’ for development of Stations on Indian Railways. This scheme envisages development of stations on a continuous basis with a long term approach. It involves preparation of Master Plans and their implementation in phases to improve the amenities at the stations like improvement of station access, circulating areas, waiting halls, toilets, lift/escalators as necessary, cleanliness, free Wi-Fi, kiosks for local products through schemes like ‘One Station One Product’, better passenger information systems, executive lounges, nominated spaces for business meetings, landscaping etc. keeping in view the necessity at each such station.

The scheme also envisages improvement of buildings, integrating the station with both sides of the city, multimodal integration, amenities for ‘Divyangjans’, sustainable and environment friendly solutions, provision of ballast less tracks, ‘Roof Plazas’ as per necessity, phasing and feasibility and creation of city centres at the station in the long term.

So far, 1318 number of stations have been identified for development/redevelopment under this scheme. 1251 number of stations have been developed under ‘Adarsh Stations Scheme’ on Indian Railways.

The details of allocation and expenditure for development and maintenance of stations are maintained zonal Railway-wise and not state-wise or station-wise or scheme-wise. Development of stations and provision of Passenger amenities are generally funded under Plan Head – 53 ‘Customer Amenities’. There are 02 Zonal Railways, viz. Northern Railway(NR) and North Western Railway (NWR) which cater to the State of Punjab. During the year 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24total ₹ 1148.74 Crores expenditure has been incurred under Plan Head-53 and the total allocation of the current year is ₹ 2613.36Crores.

The status of implementation of the recommendations contained in the 6th report of the Standing Committee on Railways (17thLokSabha) on ‘Passenger Amenities including Modernization of Railway Stations’ has been placed on the Table of both Houses of Parliament on 08.03.2021.

This information was given by the Minister of Railways, Communications and Electronic & Information Technology, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.

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